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fife eggs failed to hatch again despite different cock being used, 1 egg looked "hatched" but there is no chick, i scoured the cage floor but nothing, could she be infirtile or a cannibal ???? i am going up the pet shop soon to see if i can get a pair of zebras and see if i can breed them, at least i will know i have a male and female, the yellow fife is definately a cock because he sings, i am on the verge of giving up on them.:cray:

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tell me about it !!! years ago i bought two male zebbies as pets for my kids and they had three chicks !:shok: i am hoping to get some normals, i am not expecting them to be stunning show wise, but i just want to prove to myself that i can breed birds, thanks to this forum i can tell on some colours the difference between males and females, i know i wanted to take things slowly,,,but this is ridiculous :rolleyes:

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