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Peek-a-Boo everybody:


That's my latest game with 'mum'. but for the past 5 days I've been  VERY worried - I doubt you will believe me when I tell you why:(

There have been two more additions to the family :shok:  and their names are Piper and Darcy and they are 7years old, but the worrying thing is they are PARROTS!! and mum had said I was special and there would be no more!. 

Darcy and Piperrresized.jpg

O K they are not the same as me they are orange winged Amazon Parrots and are 7 years old- They told me they are married and hope to have some babies soon. now that is another worry - I definitely will not be roped into helping with any chicks that may appear. NO WAY!!

Tiko and Tika have been moved.  I can hear Tika but I can't see her anymore they  are in a different room now .The cockatiels have been moved too but they are still beside me in the conservatory. Percy and Darcy have been given the WHOLE of the double cage --  I thought I would eventually be getting that!

I was a bit happier yesterday when things started to get moved about again, My pals, (mum's grandson and his dad) did all the moving of the cages and when it was finished Piper and Darcy were nowhere to be seen.  :yahoo:

I soon came back to earth with a bang! She hadn't got rid of them they were just in another area outside.

So now I need to keep on my best behaviour and try to please 'Mum'

2nd May 2016 Bobby 9 months old (11)resized.jpg

I started that this morning by going to sit beside  her on the chair in the conservatory and let her scratch my head. She was so pleased she even took a video of me.

(you can have a peek at it but don't let her know I've copied this:https://youtu.be/ZVQQU1RBuL4    


I think she really likes me but she wouldn't let me get some of her crisps. She actually caught me trying  to get into the packet.


I'll be back soon

Bye for now.



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For some reason  it seems those two words  "No  More" have been deleted from my vocabulary :lol:

but unknown to 'Bobby' both the newcomers are taking food from my hand now. ;):lol:


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Bobby is none the wiser about Piper and Darcy. I'm making sure he can't see or hear them

( Hope he doesn't read this;):lol:)


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Emmy, I've lost count now.....

Have you taken them in for good or are you just looking after them for a while? :good::shok:


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Gary I think this 'blog' post must have come up again because I was editing the post to change a word in the 'Blog' I had 'Piper and Darcy' recorded as red winged Amazons but they are Orange winged Amazons (lol)

They are the same ones I had last year. 4 eggs were laid last year but they didn't look fertile (didn't show up clearly on the ovascope) so I was advised to remove the eggs and hopefully the female would go down again but she didn't the only thing that did happen was they became very aggressive towards me.  (Was told they must be thinking I was a nest robber :o)

This year I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will nest again -so far its looking good - they are feeding each other and I was told that's a good sign.  Glad I got the 'Buddy egg monitor'  because it will be a double check to find out if any eggs laid are fertile.

(I'm thinking it's maybe time 'Bobby' updated his 'blog'  -so watch this space)

(I've just got the 3 parrots (plus all the other types of birds as well lol) and they are all mine :rolleyes::lol:)

Sorry about the mix up.


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Hi Emmy,

So if you counted all the birds you have including the parrots, chickens, Quail, zebs,teals etc... How many do you actually have these days?


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I have 4 hens (Easy to count :D), 3 Texan white quail, 6 CPQail, 2 peach faced lovebirds (sitting on 4 eggs:rolleyes:), 3 Amazon parrots, 2 Barraband Parrots;  4 owl finches, 4 Madagascar lovebirds., 2 grass finches (hecks), ? Gouldians,  ? diamond doves; ? Fife canaries: ??Cockatiels; and ????different mutations of zebra finches. 

So that makes my total 30 plus the ?? marks ;) now recording it this  way --30 plus ? sounds OK to me :D(almost  forget to mention one pair of the canaries have 4 eggs in their nest:yahoo:)



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On ‎5‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 16:41, Zebraman said:

I reckon the ??? add another 40 to 50 on top of the 30..... Plus the next batch of :230_hatched_chick::228_baby_chick:

:lol::lol::lol: One day I will count them, but I really have been selling some:D


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