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All change!

Penny W


I keep my hen and cock zebras in separate flights. So far it is has been the hens, and the foreigns having access to the outside flight. Today it was time for a swap. the flight cages are designed so this swap can be done without having to catch all the birds so it was just a case of encouraging the hens into one long flight cage and the cocks into another then opening different doors and voila - their accommodation is swapped over. It didn't take the cocks long to realise they could go out into the fresh air which they seemed to really enjoy - and they put themselves to bed when it got dark, I didn't have to chase them back in like I do the hens.

The widowed hen has worked out that it is her who needs to feed the chicks so they seem to be doing OK. They won't go into the nest box but as it is not cold I'm not too bothered by that

mum and chicks 2.jpg

finch and grass 2.jpg

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Hi penny,

oh so very typical of girls not wanting to go back indoors :rofl: 

all the boys all seem to be good because they probably know what's good for em , life oh Riley  :lol:

glad to hear that the single mum has worked out in what to do and is now feeding her youngsters  

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