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Posts posted by Zebraman

  1. I checked all the eggs last night and sadly I have to report that they were all infertile :(

    Although infertile I'm going to let this pair sit them for a few more days.


  2. Hi Don and welcome to the forum.

    A Full-spectrum light is light that covers the electromagnetic spectrum from infrared to near-ultraviolet, or all wavelengths that are useful to plant or animal life, in particular, sunlight.

    So in simple terms it's considered to be as close to sunlight as you can get.

    These types of tubes can be very expensive, but you don't need a special fitting as they resemble a normal fluorescent light tube and fit in the same fitting.

    I use florescent daylight tubes 6500k (Not Full Spectrum) in all of my cages and for internal lighting, the whole set-up is controlled by a Sunrise Aviculture Sun 5 dusk to dawn timer, which works very well and was worth every penny I paid for it.

    There are a number of topics on lighting on the forum, just search for lighting and you should find a number of discussions.

    Here is a bit of information on the K (Kelvin) rating of fluorescent tubes:-

    The kelvin is often used in the measure of the colour temperature of light sources. Colour temperatures below about 4000 K appear reddish whereas those above about 7500 K appear bluish. Colour temperature of approximately 5600 K is required to match "daylight".

    Hope this helps,


  3. Take a look at this video it shows what you should be looking for:-

    I personally wouldn't wrap a towel round a sun lamp though, knowing my luck I'd set the shed on fire.....


  4. Hi Emmy,

    Yes, the egg is very large in comparison to the others, then when I candled it you could see the two yolks as plain as day.

    I'm leaving it for a couple of days then I'll candle it again to see if it is fertile.


  5. Now here's an interesting question.

    Has any of your birds laid an egg with a double yolk?

    I candled some of my hens eggs recently only to find one of them has a double yolk in it.

    Now do I remove it or just wait to see if it's fertile....
