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Posts posted by mal-c

  1. Hi would you please let him know I just don't have a mobile but h can contact me via e mail . OK was planning to go to  the show. But just got out of the hospital this week so it would be too difficult to drive any distance plus I am 77 years young . I am looking to keep a couple of pairs of the newer mutations how much likely to set  me back for s couple of pairs of well bread birds?. My Addy is mal@mjsprings.karoo.co.UK cheers Mal (Hull)

  2. Hi I am Mal from Hull ,I kept zebs. For a short time but I bought to many and had to pack up they just hot too much for me. This


     just going to start with a couple of pairst of quality birds. Is there any one leaping and showing the new coloured varieties a specially interested In crested in the new coloured muta oines in  Hull ,East Yorkdhite eatiers. Thanks for looking Mal (Hull)




  3. I would like to take photos of my birds,as I am only a begginner I would .,ike to ask more experianced breeders their opinians on my birds.I would l.ike to take clear pictures showing no cage bars ,is there an y where i could get pictures of a photo box for me toi be able to do tghis as I would like to make one


  4. We are in Harrogate, you are welcome over anytime





    Hi Nick I do hope I haven't upset you,I have sent you a couple of messages whith out reply. I was wondering if might just have any supplas stock that I might buy from you Hope you are well Regards Mal (Hull)

  5. I am Mal from Hull East Yorkshire.I'm a retied publican from Hull in East Yorkshire. I kept new coloured canaries for a short while and was advised by my docter give it up as it wasn't helping my COPD (breathing problems) but of late I have thoght if I have an outside avairy it would not cause me a problem.Searching around the net I was suprised to see how many mutations there are in Zebra Finches. Do they need heating in winter as I was not planing on masive acomadation for them,are there any members in my area with some of these mutatrions,I aspecialy like the penguines.Mal (Hull)