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Posts posted by suem

  1. someone has just posted this on fb group and no one is replying..

    Need some advice please, iv got some canary chicks 3 that have just in the last week left the nest, i took the nest down and the hen started pulling the chicks feathers out, one morning i went out and one chick has been plucked bold on her back. they cant yet eat on there own as there beaks are still a tad soft. should i remove the hen and let dad finish rearing them or would this stress them all out?  anyone advise and I can relay back

  2. i no longer use open seed pots , i bought weekend feeders from Supapetsthey are like an upside down jam jar that you clip a bottom cap to witha built in perch, since i started using them i do not have to blow off thehusks and birds do not poo in the pots any more.so far so good with them.Kim


    that sounds like the one I use for my finches. I only feed them once a week and as you said they dont poo in their seed . I sometimes give the seed a little blow but it isnt necessary. Now the canary is a different matter he just throws his all round the cage.

  3. oh bless that is so worrying.  My last female did this and in the end she just wore herself out.  I tried everything you have and it did no good, she reared a few babies but then I lost her...hope yours stops laying soon bless her

  4. Hi sue.


    I was told that wheatgerm oil can help prevent egg binding and also improves fertility with the cock. I'm not sure if the wheatgerm flakes do the same for egg binding as the oil, but the flakes are high in vitamin e which is good for the fertility.


    I bought some of the flakes and have been adding it to the egg food/cous cous mix, so far the birds all love it! I have been tempted to try it too :)



    wait a minute cous cous as well!  I love cous cous I buy the plain and add things to it! Dont tell me they eat cous cous and wheat germ, what about my canary then I know he adores hard boiled egg yolk?

  5. I am sorry you lost your bird.  When my male's mum died I got him another one next day because he was looking for her, male or female they will be ok.  The saddest thing I ever saw was years ago when I started off with one pair and ended up with 8 birds. They all paired off and over the next 10 years slowly died, the last pair were so old they used to sit on the floor of the indoor aviary we made them, well on a perch that was about 2 inches off the floor. One day I noticed the male looked a bit sad later that day he died, and the female sat cuddled up to him on the floor. I left him overnight and next day distracted her with some greens and got the male out.  She carried on a good 6 months after that.

  6. A friend of mine had a finch which developed this problem.  In a matter of weeks it lost the use of its legs. So it used to fly but rested on the floor of the cage.  As luck would have it she had a budgie she had rescued which had only one foot, and that used to live mostly on the floor. She put them both in together!  They lived amicably together (like a couple of pensioners in a care home!)  The finch died about a year later and the budgie missed his friend and followed within days!

  7. Hi Jules the same as what Paul said.....I had a pair of finches who raised one baby. She then layed another clutch of eggs and they bullied the baby.  I removed him but we couldnt stand the noise as he was calling the parents and they were indoors in separate rooms. The eggs hatched (5) and I took a chance and put the first baby back in with them.  I think they were glad of the spare beak, as they let him help feed .  From then on they were all moved to an indoor purpose built cage in my spare bedroom. Where they lived for the next 10 years.  (I removed any eggs from then on)

  8. Thanks, that is what I try to do but it doesnt make any difference..  When I did him on Thursday he went so dead I picked him up and moved him. He decided to play dead when I had taken the sliding tray out and I couldnt get it back in.  I think he likes scaring his Mum!

  9. hi, no he is only about 3 or perhaps 4.  He threatens me every time I go near the cage, even if I am feeding him! He is very teritorial. When I go away my sister pops in to feed them, and he whistles ay her!

  10. I know this is a finch forum but canaries are similar, arent they?  My canary is a bit neurotic. He (3 times now) when I clean him out plays dead. Where he makes a horrible noise and sits on the floor with his eyes closed, beak open and wings outstretced.  I came across same thing a few months ago a young blackbird had become tangled in a bush we got him out and he layed on floor in the same position.  I moved him out way of my dogs, got him a drink of water and some food. Watched him for about 15 minutes, he suddenly opened his eyes and flew up on to the fence!

    Has anyone else come across this with a finch, canary or any bird? Thanks for reading..

  11. they sound lovely Emmy.My 2 finches have a really lovely wicker nest box. They spend a lot of time sitting in it and just watching the world go by.! :wub:

    ps yesterday I fed the gerbils upstairs, and for some unknown reason didnt close the top opening. I went up about 2 hours later and spotted what I had done. The 2 gerbils were fast asleep in their little bed. They are very old (adopted last christmas) and obviously know which side their bread is buttered!

  12. Hi (Emmy) and everyone else. Well my finches havent a clue. They have a nest box in the cage, a large plastic seed box. I give them nesting material and they spread it all over the cage. They seem to like to try to nest on a bit of flat cuttlefish, that is where they put the material but it falls off! Any ideas?

  13. Mr Finch had been fine up to a few days ago. He wasn't as bad as first time I posted. He could still fly up and I made him a little platform from cuttlefish. He was answering me when I spoke to him. Eating seed and egg food. He was drinking as well. Yesterday he sat on the floor with Mrs Finch, the young male keeping out of the way. I fed them last night and he ate. When I went to bed he was sitting on the floor which for him was normal lately, with Mrs. next to him. This morning he had flown over the Rainbow Bridge. RIP Mr. Finch...xxx

  14. hi pleased to report that the little finch is virtually back to normal. I think he suffered some sort of mild stroke. He is now back on the perches but one of his feet is held a little strange. He has also started chatting up the female finch and singing his little song. He did enjoy the egg food and mashed yolk.

  15. Hi and thank you for replying. This morning he did a little song and sat on a millet spray on the floor pretending it was a very low perch. He has eaten and actually flew on to the top perch, so he is looking a bit brighter. :D I will keep an eye on him and have my spare cage all cleaned just in case.