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Everything posted by tremuth

  1. tremuth


    So i'm making the start myself with a picture of a penguin normal cock ( see my album).........in the hope that pictures of other people's penguins will follow.
  2. tremuth

    2011 Fawns

    Hi Dave,what a fabulous shape !If i could mix up your shape and my colour, i would be the " master of the (zebrafinch) universe" :).....i'm joking of course, but this will be my goal for the next years, trying to improve the size and the head shape ( like yours) and keeping a warm brown colour.thank you for showing us such quality birds !MichaelI added 2 pictures of my fawns in my gallery.
  3. tremuth


    I had a look in the ZFF Gallery and could only see 2 pictures of penguins.Does anyone have some pictures of quality penguins please ?Thanks in advance.Michael
  4. tremuth

    Fawn Chicks 2011

    This is a really cool to show a video of the birds, that gives a much better idea of the birds ( and their qualities) than a picture.Do you have a picture or a video of them coloured up ?i'm really impressed by the shape of this youngsters !Good job Paul
  5. Hello everybody.Here on the continent we work a lot with the red eyed CFW .Do breeders in the UK's also use the red eye factor or not in their CFW breeds?I think this could perhaps improve the colours and the markings.......and even help to obtain cleaner heads..?On the other way, this would perhaps reduce the size of the birds no ?Has anybody already experienced such a breed ?Here a picture of a red eyed CFW BB grey cock.
  6. Thank you all !!!I'm sure i'll learn a lot on the forum and it 'll be very interesting for me to read your comments about some of my birds.I already saw a lot of amazing zebrafinches in the gallery.Michael
  7. Hello everybody,my name is Michael Tremuth, I am 41 years old and live in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg...i'm sure you know, ...this very very very small little place between France, Germany and Belgium :)I'm breeding zebrafinches since I was 9. In a few weeks I will start my breeding season with 45 couples in the following colors : whites, fawns, penguins(in grey, fawns and creams), blackbreast (in grey, lightback, lightback dilutes, cfw-red eyed) and some combinations with the blackface mutation. Every year I breed around 150 youngsters.I have already participated in zebrafinch spezialized shows in Belgium, Germany, France an the Netherlands......with more or less success of course .My birds are therefore more the continental type, but I appreciate the english type very much,espacielly the head shape. That would be a cool thing if one day I could cross the channel with my birds and participate in a ZFS-show...........but before that, I have to learn more about english zebrafinches and their standards, and try hard to improve the quality of my birds :)nice to join you .Michael