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Everything posted by Emmy

  1. Was taking some photographs in the outside flight today and was surprised to find this one. Looks like it has some orange feathers there I don't have any OB but could this one be a BB split for OB Would I need to have a pair that were both split for OB to get an OB without the BB? or would it need one of the pair to be a visual OB? Maybe way off track here. Emmy
  2. Trevor as you probably already know I'm hopeless at identifying colours but I will say they look real healthy chicks and no matter what colour they turn out they are lovely Emmy
  3. Is that a good sign or does it give you a lot more work? So glad you got some help. A special Thanks to all who helped The members on this forum are just fantastic Emmy
  4. Just hoping someone will be able to answer a few questions for 'fetching finches' this is the post the questions are on Color Of Nestlings- Predictor F.Finches was so good at helping me with 'Billie' my wee cockatiel I just feel sorry I cant answer any of the questions asked. F. Finches has even offered to pay for advice but I hope I'm correct in having said that wouldn't be necessary on this forum and that members wouldn't want payment for sharing their knowledge. Maybe Trevor, Paul, Clare, or Scott may be able to help or any other member after reading the above post - if they can help F. Finches in any way. Please read F.Finches post and find out if you can give some advice. Thank You in Advance Emmy
  5. I have fawns and CW too as well as other colours and some Fife canaries too and last week one pair has hatched out two chicks. Just hope they survive. Emmy
  6. Welcome to the forum. Do you have any birds at the moment or are you just starting up? Either way, if you have any questions you'll get all your questions answered, great members here. Emmy
  7. Something the same as I have been told. I was trying to get bc white chicks. I bought a pair of whites (female had visual BC) at Stafford in October last year. I paired them up, but never thought to question why the cock bird didn't have visual BC like the hen. Didn't get any BC chicks but because the hen was a visual BC the young would all be split for BC and the cock bird was just a 'white' not split for BC. So this year I'll be doing what you will be trying out next year (lol) but I'll be using the adult white hen visual BC and pairing her up to one of the other youngsters from another pair of BC (I may even try another pair using one chick from that pair and one from another pair.) Beginning to feel its like a 'spaghetti junction' One thing I'm sure about is the BC hen but the one I hope to pair her up with ??? not decided yet. Emmy
  8. I may be wrong in saying this Lee but I think your CFW hen would have to be split for BC, because if she's not even if the cock bird is a visual BC you wont get any BC chicks. My first BC came from a pair that had no visual signs of BC but I was told both must have been split for BC for this to happen. Think the BC gene has to be present in both the cock and the hen. Hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Emmy
  9. What colours do you keep Phil? Emmy
  10. Welcome to the forum Phill Do you have birds at the moment or are you just starting up? I'm looking forwards to reading your posts. Emmy
  11. Hi All you need to do is choose 3 photos of your birds that you have photographed yourself and email them to : andy.nethercott@outlook.combers and they will be entered into the competition No names are attached to the photos so members will only recognise their own (You can't vote for your own photographs) Then the members are asked to vote for the photograph that they like the most. the photograph that gets the most votes gets put on the front page of the forum until the next months competition winner is chosen (new competition each month) If you click on Forums on the menu bar and scroll down until you come to the section Photo Competition you can read about it there. Also if you click on ZFF Gallery on the menu bar and at the right hand side you'll see Categories below that you will see Photo Competition click on that and you will see the photographs that have been entered for the competition Hope that helps. Emmy
  12. Wow!! you have a nice variety there- and I thought I was bad with the variety I have My latest acquisition is a pair of Baroband parotlets. I've not had a lot of luck with my gouldians. Lost a few (adults) but the pair I have now had eggs in their nest (their first clutch) but weren't incubating them - eggs didn't look fertile. But he has built another nest so I guess it will be a waiting game to find out if there will be the flutter of tiny wings in the future. At the moment I've got 12 zebra finch chicks just fledged some BC there and I think there is a cream as well. ( don't know how the cream chick happened ) Thanks for sharing Mike be nice if you have any photos (you could enter three into the photo competition that is every month . you just email your photos to Andy. This is his email address: andy.nethercott@outlook.com Emmy
  13. Welcome tot he forum Mike. Just ask and the members here will give you all the help you want. A lot of our members breed canaries too I've got my canaries and my zebra finches together in my aviary. What colours of finches are you thinking about getting ? Emmy
  14. Welcome to the forum as Bruno says the name suggests you keep Fife canaries think he could be correct I have Fife canaries too. Looking forward to you letting us know what birds younkeep. Emmy
  15. Emmy


    Welcome to the forum Mal You wont regret getting some Zebra Finches they're lovely little birds.. Looking forward to reading your posts Emmy
  16. This is a photo of my fawn BC taken last year. Emmy
  17. I have a fawn BC. but I was told that the cheek patches are really a very dark brown - but unless you look very carefully you would think the cheek patches are black. (though it could maybe be that I need new spectacles lol) Sorry but I don't really understand what you mean here Emmy
  18. I think that's a beauty too. Do you think its cheeks will stay white? Emmy
  19. Thanks Gary Been another bad day of highs and lows. At the moment he looks a bit more settled but not feeding properly and he's been sick. just glad he survived that. Just cant understand what went wrong but I'm not giving up on him.
  20. I have a 'Blog' on this forum about his/her progress from the first day the egg was put into the incubator then the next blog is a continuation to that progress from day one of hatching and everything was going fine until a few days ago. Its a bit of a nightmare at the moment. Thanks for offering to help Emmy
  21. Sorry I did misunderstand what you had been meaning and I agree that some (though not all) pet stores should be avoided and if people want zebra finches they should go to either a breeder or to someone like yourself where they can be given advice how to care for them. I apologise about the misunderstanding ( I'll put it down to the fact I'm very tired as I've been up all night taking care of my baby cockatiel who has had a very bad night ) Emmy
  22. I'm not going to get into an argument with you about this or start world war three with other members answering your post but you couldn't be more wrong with your statement (the above quote) I just would like to say the members on this forum -yes you are correct in saying they are not the average finch owners they are WELL ABOVE Average finch owners. But we are all entitled to own opinions but its not fare to say because a person keeps finches for exhibiting that they care less for their birds. Most of them will probably spend more time sitting watching and 'talking' to their birds whether kept in breeding cages or in an aviary. (and probably like me they will have given them all individual names although some of male members wont want to admit to that ) I am sincere in saying this I 'take my hat off to you' never having lost a zebra finch when hand rearing it - a very difficult thing to do no matter what amount of studying you have done - it also takes lots of love and patience to achieve what you have done (could I ask a favour here please - other members reading this post please don't reply in an aggressive manner we are all entitled to our own opinion and I think I have put our point across because I KNOW the members here and Fetchingfinches doesn't ' Thank You!) Emmy
  23. .Although I agree partly with what you say I don't agree that people (that means almost all people (especially the members on this forum) who breed zebra finches , whether as pets or for showing - treat 'tame' zebras with more respect than the 'normal' (wild?) ones kept in cages and aviaries. Yes at times maybe one or two take an extra special place in your heart but the others that don't come onto your hand are treated with the same respect as the tame ones. I think I can speak for most of the members here that every single finch (or any other type of bird) whether hand reared or for a pet or for exhibiting couldn't be cared for more and all are given the same care and attention. I do agree to this, (but not in all cases), sometimes people want to have a 'tame' bird and are willing to pay well to buy one already hand reared and tame. A vet once said to me If a person is willing to pay a decent amount of money for a bird then they would be more likely to take care of it. I think after keeping birds for a while you get to 'read' people, and recognise those who have a true love for birds and I would willingly give them some of my birds to care for without any money exchanging hands. Having had a lot of experience in hand rearing birds, (they have only been hand reared only because they had been neglected by their parents and not for profit) I know the time and care required to hand rear them and the heartbreak you feel when they don't survive - Its good of you to give your time to taking care of the zebra finches they are lovely little birds. Emmy
  24. Welcome to the forum. Those are very interesting topics you are exploring. Some of our Scottish Universities do projects with finches one was materials used to build nests. -very, very interesting. Looking forwards to reading your posts. Emmy
  25. The reason I'm keeping the blog going Andy is because I want to have a record of Billie's growth. I'm glad you're enjoying reading it. I have been able to 'burb' others but in Billie's case I think it was a bit more than that I think he wasn't digesting the food properly and therefore vet had to try to empty remaining food from its crop. Even although Billie looks? ok I'm still worrying about him. Don't think I'll relax until he starts eating seeds etc.