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Posts posted by Gu53bee

  1. Hi again Trevor, Andy and Fetchingfinches,

    Just letting you know that my new birds have settled in fine.

    There's still a little squabbling, mainly due to all 4 old birds being utterly besotted with one of the new ones, but they're settling into pairings now, so all's well.

    Can't get a proper pic of all 6, but here's the best I can. It does show the 2 new penguins quite well.

    Thanks again for your help,



  2. Thank you Trever, Andy and Fetchingfinches.

    My boys have paired up over time and are now definitely 2 couples.

    I presume this isn't as strong a bond as a male-female bond would be, but they're definite pairs.

    Basically I don't want to end up with 3, then 2 then 1. Also, I only go near this bird centre once a year, so if I don't get them now, it'll be a long time until we go again.

    Anyone any thoughts on whether to get 2 more or 4?

    The aviary is 6ft high, 4ft wide and 2 ft deep.

  3. Hi

    I bought 4 male zebs last Easter.

    All are hale and hearty, living in a 6x4x2 aviary with 5 cps.

    I'd like to add 2 new male zebs.

    Is the aviary big enough?

    Would my males be likely to accept new ones to the group?

    I successfully added new cpq by doing so very slowly and removing the aggressor for 24 hours each time there was a squabble, but the finches would be harder to catch.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.


  4. Hi Carole

    I'm a newbie zeb keeper and have already had lots of advice from the members here..

    I've also been to a couple of auctions and both those who ran it and some of those attending, have been very generous with advice.

    I'm keeping only males as I don't want my numbers to increase. I know this goes against the grain for most, but that hasn't stopped members here being very helpful and supportive.



  5. Oh no, it was hilarious even at 4 in the morning.

    My boys and hubby went back to bed, but I made a pot of tea and my daughter and I sat and watched.

    It took 2 hours for the farmer, 4 farm hands and 2 policemen to round them up and load half of them into a truck, then come back for the other half.


    • Like 1

  6. Off topic, but just had to share.....

    My family are just getting used to my zebs , peeping away in the living room.

    We're off to look at Chinese painted quails tomorrow.

    The police have just knocked us awake at 4am, to say....there are 13 cows in your front garden!!!

    I woke my family and told them that since we might be getting our own quail eggs soon....I thought it might be nice to have fresh milk too.

    Lol lol lol...3 teens stunned into silence at 4 in the morning!


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  7. How lovely!

    My zebs are getting used to dogs running past, the parrot shouting, barking and singing 'always look on the bright side of life', so I think they'll get used to the quail.

    I'm supposed to be waiting until my birthday next month....we'll see :)

  8. I went to my first auction yesterday. Had to sit on my hands! Especially seeing Gary's lovely birds.

    I utterly fell for a trio of Chinese painted quail. I resisted.....for now.

    Hope it's ok to pick people's brain here. I read a generous comment on another post that said many of you have other birds as well.

    Where do I start?

    I've an indoor aviary, 100x60x150cm, still with my 4 zebra cocks, in our living room.

    Will they mind sharing with cp quail?

    Is the floor space big enough?

    Will the finches make the quail too skittish?

    Will our African grey barking like a pack of dogs make them too skittish?

    Do the Chinese quail smell too much to keep in a living room? I was told Japanese quail smell and to avoid them being kept indoors.

    How noisy are they? We're needing the subtitles on the TV with just the zebra boys.

    If I have just quail hens, will they keep laying? I haven't got enough space for babies and I'd find it difficult to part with any babies.

    And......what size toast fingers do you need with a boiled quail egg?...... :)

  9. Bearing in mind that I have been a zebra finch keeper for a whole 2 weeks....and I'm still on chapter 1 of the chris Blackwell book....

    Is it by any chance a cross with a Bengalese? Our garden centre has one. Similar throat.

    Please laugh derisively if utter and obvious rot.

  10. My Chris Blackwell book arrived.

    I've read the first chapter and am full of new questions already.

    Does the 9 year coloured ring system still happen? If so, what are this year and last year's colours?

    Do people keep new purchases in isolation? If so, just a different cage, or a different room?

    How would you then introduce them?