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Everything posted by Gu53bee

  1. Thank you both. I gave them some cress yesterday. They were delighted. Re females. I'm soppy over my pets. I don't think I could part with the babies, or destroy eggs. I was advised that with 6 birds, 3 of each sex, I would be likely to have 60 by this time next year. As we're having to use subtitles on the TV with the 4 I have, I can't begin to imagine 60! Re them being individuals.....and how! Zaphod is the bravest. First to hop into the aviary from the cage. First to a new swing. First to the cress. Zadok is so people-friendly. He was the bred from exhibition stock and I think he knows it. Zorro photo-bombs! So hard to get a pic without him hopping in at the last mo. Ziggy is so pretty but either shy, or let's be honest, not very bright. He kept trying to join the others in the aviary by just flying upwards in the travel cage, then protesting loudly that he was on the cage ceiling again. Zaphod came back down and showed him the large gap. He's really hard to get a pic of, as he stays near the back when I'm there. I was told the aviary is suitable for up to 10 birds and am hoping to get to a bird auction soon. But I am quite happy at the mo with my 4 noisy little additions to our living room.
  2. Hi from a newbie zebra owner. I had 4 lovebirds, but gradually was left with 1 lonely self-plucking bird. I decided to invigorate him by buying him a large indoor aviary. He was delighted......but dropped dead 36 hours later! I'd already decided that when he went, I would have some zebra finches. We were on holiday in the New Forest when my son phoned to say what had happened. We visited a number of pet centres and then discovered Riverside Aviaries. There was an old cage for £5. So, after phoning home to ask my sons to scrub the indoor aviary....... We ended up driving the 5 hours home with 4 males "Peep, peep-peeping", all the way! They seem to settled in. It was fascinating when they went into the aviary how they gathered together, rapidly looking all around to assess their new home. I'd love any hints or tips as I've read up as much as possible, but still feel I might need advice about the basics. For example- what fresh fruit or veg they might like? do they like a bath? Will a budgie cage-type bath be suitable? How many birds are recommended in a 100x60x150 cage! I bought 3 from 1 cage and 1 from another. They're not tending to mix. How can I encourage them? Can/ how do I introduce more later? I feel maybe I don't know which questions to ask, so please feel free to pass on your favourite tip. I'd like to know what the name is for each colour I have so will try to attach photos. I'm interested in a charcoal and an orange-breasted male, if anyone in Cheshire/Liverpool/north wales has any young ready in the next few weeks. Thank you in advance, Bee Zorro Zadok Zaphod And Ziggy