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Posts posted by DaveP

  1. Hi Emmy 

    Sorry to hear you have lost the chicks after the work you put into them. 

    I got a nice surprise today will reading C&A I was one of the winners of a bag of haiths rearing and conditioning food .


  2. Hi emmy they are doing grand but have transferred them into aviary and they seem to be enjoying flying around more than in the living room. They are very accurate flyers now but didn't cope too well when let out the cage in house. Patch as I called him tells me he is a cheeky boy and other interesting noises. Spot chatters but not speaking ,but she is more vocal being outside she was very quiet in the cage. They are both very good joiners and have removed most of the corners from aviary wood .lol  Will need to get across to see you before the winter weather creeps in.

  3. Oh Emmy sorry to hear about your owl finch . You don't want to get on the wrong end of the parrot beak. Will see you on Sunday if all goes well. If your taking birds for sale let me know what you have going still looking for some more . The old spaniel in photo of aviary build took ill suddenly a week ago and unfortunately the vet could not save him . It leaves a hole he was always in the shed when I was with the birds but life goes on.