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Posts posted by tesiukas

  1. Here are the photos of him. His feathers are a bit ruffled, because my birds aren't tame and I had to chase him around the cage a little, but this way I could get the best close up of his colors.  I took these photos with my phone though, so they aren't that good unfortunately.




  2. Hello,

    I've started keeping zebra finjches a bit over half a year now and have 10 birds right now - 7 males and 3 females. As I bought my birds I looked for different mutations so I have allmost all my birds with different colors. As I bought each bird I was pretty sure what mutations iht had ex'cept for k my penguin. He is an adult male, and when I saw him at a pet store I though that THAT was an original penguin color, but when I checked on the internet it turned out my bird was different from a standart penguin. The first thing that was a surprise to me was that penguins do have orange cheeks :D. I tried to figure out what other mutation my penguin has, but I'm not sure, so I decided to ask more experienced keepers. His base color is normal grey andt, just like a penguin should, he doesn't have a tear mark and very fraint remnants of breast stfripes,  but his cheeks are pure w2hite and flank markings very diluted. The closest looking birds I found in the internet photos were of those called "fawn penguin", but I wondered if it really can be a fawn mutation without actually being "fawn",? As I looked for "white cheek" mutation I found a dominant silver that had markings very similar to my penguin, so I thought that maybe that could be it. But I also read, that penguins are not recommended to be crossed with silver because silvers dilute the base color, although the bird in a picture of a dominant silver that I found had very well expressed grey base color. So i'm still kind of confused. Help please :) (btw sorry for my english - it's my 3rd language and also my cockatiel helped me type the text a bit :D)