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New Advice To Myself: 'no Camera To Be Taken Into Bird Shed'



blog-0680817001416002832.jpgWell tonight its another Misadventure story!

(Yes Andy you were correct when you suggested that Title(lol))

My intentions were to clean out the inside flight after I had rearranged things in the shed.

First I emptied the new large bags of seed into the proper tubs - then I moved things around and got the shed into such a mess you would have thought a bomb had gone off -(couldn't put things outside the shed because it was raining 'cats and dogs')

Then I noticed my owl finches had two eggs in their nest pan :good:. rushed into the house to grab my camera to get a photograph while they were off the nest. (didn't get photos of the owl finch eggs they were back on the nest)

Then I had a thought -which would have been better to have stayed inside my head and not acted upon.

Before doing anything else I decided I would give the 5 BC chicks a clean nest box and then take some photos of them to post them on the forum


Great! I removed the 5 chicks into a plastic tub with some kitchen roll on the bottom to stop them slipping- they looked so nice and were really warm and cosy snuggled up together.

As I got my camera poised my thoughts were 'that will be a lovely photograph for my records' - but what I saw in the viewfinder of my camera made those 'thoughts' very quickly disappear to be replaced with a feeling of panic --one of the chicks was escaping! In the few seconds it took me to put the camera down the chick was nowhere to be seen.

It was experiencing first hand what it would be like to 'try to find a needle in a haystack' !!

OK when the adult birds escape you can see them and hear the noise of their wings etc but this wee chick would never be heard even if it did cheep - the other birds in the inside flight were making too much noise.

All I could think of - it must be on the floor somewhere because it couldn't fly, it had never been out from the nest before.

I had put the other chicks back into the clean nest box before 'hunt the chick' started.

If I hadn't started moving things about it may have been easier, but after 20 minutes searching I was relieved to find it sitting behind a tub and it didn't move while I picked it up. :biggrin:

I popped it back into the nest box and thought now it will be easy to take a photograph of them but when I looked into the nest box there were only THREE chicks and that was including the one I had just put back in.

I checked the cage but they were not in the cage with the adults. :shok:

Two more chicks were on the loose! :unknw: and I didn't know how or when they escaped.

Everything now had to be moved to find if they had hopped behind any of the large tubs of seed.

No luck but as I was moving everything I was sweeping up too- that would be a little help later on.

It was then I thought I saw a movement near the door of the shed and YES!! it was one of the chicks BUT there was a whole lot of things that had to be moved before I could get to it. I just kept telling myself not to panic because if it went behind the 4 units I had the other cages on it would be a nightmare to get it out from there.

' Lady Luck' was with me and I caught it and popped it back into the nest box.

There was still no sign of chick number 5.

Even after all that trouble I was determined to get a photo even if it was only the four chicks! (the photo posted at the beginning)

At that point I was very tempted just to go back into the house and leave it all but I knew I couldn't do that with still one chick to be found.

Yes I did finally find it -where?- it was behind the 4 units!!!! another BIG job - but I did get it :yahoo:

No!! I didn't tempt fate and take a photo of the 5 of them in the nest - That photo will have to wait until they have fledged!

The inside flight hasn't been cleaned and the shed still has to be tidied. :(

Well that will be jobs for tomorrow and the camera will definitely be left in the house!


edited to add photo of two of the chicks when all 5 had fledged. :D

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