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Posts posted by birdman

  1. I used to have a pair of javas with my zebs a long time ago and they was ok with my birds but I had a large flight. but not all birds are the same just keep an eye on them especially when breeding time comes around then you will no if there ok with your birds. but any signs of aggression remove them straight away don't take any chances


  2. hi Kerry

    you will find you will always have some chicks that are stronger than others its just a way of life and theres not much you can really do about it ,I have had a couple of chicks like that myself .sometimes its also to do with that when there in the nest the hungrier chicks were getting most of the food and its hard for the weaker chick to recover from it that's why some die and some don't its down to how strong they are.there will be other explanations but I think this is the main reason for this to happen

    hope it makes sense and helps you some how


  3. hi clare

    good news on your bb chick and she look nice, trevor's right bb hens are hard to find at moment so keep hold as you will never no what might happen ive manage to breed three hens and 2 males up to now and parents are on 5 more chicks so fingers cross some more hens


  4. no reading isn't multitasking but when watching football and trying too reply to a text on phone then that's when mistakes happen especially when you don't reread things again lol not goin to happen again lol :sorry:

  5. nice bccfw you got there trevor  I really liked them when I used to breed them they were my favourites out of the bc mutations just wait till he colour up and you see all the bc mutation at its best very nice to see even tho I haven't gone for  that mutation this time round :good: if went back to bc mutation think it would be that mutation out of all bc mutation I would have
