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Everything posted by white-rose

  1. I believe you can edit the poll to show which member voted what but it may wipe out previous results.I'm have 2 fawns and 2 normals I believe. They chose their own mates.Normal male x Fawn female = fawn male chick (+ 3 more chicks, not sure what they are as yet)Fawn male x Normal (maybe?) female = pied male + normal(?) female
  2. white-rose

    1st Chick 2012

    Beautiful chick!
  3. white-rose

    Fawn 2012

    What cute birds! So chubby and noisy. :lol: @ Emmy's porker comment.
  4. Beautiful birds! I have much to learn about how you figure out which is which.
  5. white-rose


    Welcome to the forum!I've never heard of shows for birds let alone zebra finches before this forum. Next time I visit UK, I'm going to look for some.
  6. Such a beautiful chick! How do you get them to perch on your hand/finger?
  7. Thanks Mark. I'm glad too. I'm still worried about the chicks since none has ever lasted over 24hrs. So I'm hoping this is a good sign that the parents are finally getting it together. Also, I noticed there are 5 more eggs in the nest. I think after this clutch has hatched (if they hatch) and grows up, I'm removing their nest. The female needs rest.
  8. Thanks for the info! Sorry for not replying earlier. I was travelling and had an extremely hectic schedule.I've been reading about egg food recipes and I'll be trying it tonight since I have more chicks now.
  9. Neat! Welcome to the forum.
  10. white-rose

    Your Thoughts?

    One of my pairs looks exactly like him. Perhaps less fluffy. But the same shade. He looks pretty good. Congrats on your purchase!
  11. That link seems great! Thanks! Only problem is that I have no clue where to get food and brooders for baby birds in my area. Honestly I have no idea what egg food is. I had kept some calcium cuttlebone for them. And you are right about them being aggressive. We are considering separating them now that they have decided on a pair. The pair with the older male doesn't seem to lay eggs at all. But the younger pair has a lot of eggs but only 1 chick seems to hatch and never survives. In a way it's good because they don't know how to take care of them anyway. I'd feel worse if 5 chicks hatched and all died.I obviously have a lot to learn about breeding and rearing. :blush:Appreciate all the help!
  12. Hi all,I'm located in Dubai and I've been a zebra finch owner for about 10 yrs, if not more, but this is the first time I've felt the need to join a forum. I have 4 finches at the moment, 2 pairs. We proceeded to place 2 nests in the cage and give them bits of hay so they can enjoy building their nests and the males happily did so. One of the pairs decided to lay eggs. About 18 - 20 days later, only 1 chick hatched and within 24 hrs they threw out it's dead body. When shortly afterwards the female laid another 5 eggs, we awaited with bated breath for more baby finches hoping they would survive. Another 18 days or so later, another baby chick hatched. This is when I registered to the forum, however, not being able to post, I couldn't share my dilemma. I realized the finches weren't feeding the chick and I wasn't sure if I should remove it to feed it myself. Except I have no idea how to keep the finch warm, how to feed it, how to even lift it out of the nest so I let it stay hoping and praying that the parents would figure it out and checking the forum to see if I could find any information. The next day, at night, I found what I had dreaded. The dead baby finch lying at the bottom of the cage. I placed a firm hay stick under it's neck and brought it out of the cage and tried to place tiny drops of water over the edges of it's beak hoping for revival. Unfortunately it was already too late. It was only today that I realized I could post so I came to share my unfortunate story.Hoping you all can give me advise on what to do with the next clutch. Look forward to getting to know you all. :)PS: I love the adorable finch logo on this forum!