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Everything posted by Pidge

  1. Pidge

    Size Question

    Thank you Scott Mel
  2. I'll spell it correctly this time.... Thank you :-)
  3. Pidge


    Hi mark, if you have a hen spare could you get in touch please, we have a normal but hubby wants a hen for him. Mel
  4. Hank you for the warm welcome. Now you mention that ..... He wants a hen lol
  5. Pidge

    Size Question

    Timor yes that's what the guy said, but I couldn't remember when we got home doh! Yes Emma he does have like a black band but I can't for the life of me get a photo of him he is just too fast lol
  6. Pidge

    Size Question

    Hi all, as in my intro Iv said I've stated Iv just bought my hubby a zebra finch... Normal. He fell in love with the little chap and with the lot that I have I thought it would be a great interest for him. Now this is the question part...... Iv bred zebra finches in the past but many years ago, but this little chap is very small in comparison to the ones I used to keep, are there size variations in these birds or are they bred specifically to be a smaller cousin?
  7. Hi, I'm a carer for my hubby but career wise I'm a zoologist! Hence I have quite a few pets. This includes a newbe which I bought my hubby for his birthday.... A tiny little zebra finch, I will be looking for as much advice and information on these wonderful little birds as possible, so look out! Mel