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Posts posted by amf1975

  1. all cracking cock birds them Nick. nice shape and lovely head width. they all look natural in show cages. like Emmy says think rosettes are on the horizon for you their sir. Do you have any good 2015 hens to go with them?

  2. hi I am with fetchingfinches on this one! she does not look well.

    I would split them up and put her in a hospital cage/or cage on her own near a heat source.  can not see from the photo if her tail is dipping ???. she could be egg bound. it's that time of year that birds naturally want to breed even if you do not encourage them too.

  3. I would remove the in fertile eggs then let them run. unless you have other pairs that you could foster them out too. I have in the past had single birds raise clutches of chicks. you need to make sure lots and lots off food and treats and it does put a lot of stress on the loan parent but they can adapt. in the wild they would not give up.


    sorry for your loss



  4.  my thoughts too are what did the other die of ???. separation and warmth would be the way to go to start with. and make sure it has access to food and water your friend could try tempting it with its favourite treat. if its a hen and the tail is dipping she could be egg bound.