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Everything posted by Chanty

  1. Make the most of the best and the least of the worst.

  2. Welcome Niajetze, I also joined recently and I have found this forum very helpful. I'm sure you will too! Congrats on the chicks I'm so happy they made it and the dad as well...
  3. Thank you all for your help you have made it much easier for me. Thank you Trevor and Clare; my pictures’ color isn't coming out accurate most probably due to their cage back and side board being wood, so I guess the reflecting light is making it hard to get her right color to show on the pictures. But from all of your advice, I think she is split to BB due to the the markings in the tail as Stephan said (1st Pic): Then I think she must be BC because she was in a cage with a lot of blackcheeks (when I bought her) and because she doesn't look like a grey cheek at all – the dilution of the cheeks maybe as Clare says, there is another light mutation involved like silver. I got this female (2nd & 3rd Pic -middle-) with her and they are both about 6-7 months from the same cage, might be from the same nest... Sorry the pictures aren't very good.
  4. Very Interesting... Thank you Scot, me too the more I research on the possible mutations the more confused I get. I see the tear thank you MrMe, my hen definitely has no tear marking at all unless it blends in perfectly with her grey cheeks, that's exactly why I'm so confused about her. It looks a little orange by her tail feathers. And then I was thinking; when I bought her she was in a cage with only black cheek zebra finches, maybe there is an explanation in there somewhere...
  5. Thank you Stephan, so I'm going to need a male black breast as well!
  6. Thank you for the warm welcome Emmy! Thank you Stephan; I tried last night to get a picture of those tail feathers hoping that I would be able to see better on the pics, cause she's still new to her environment she won't sit still for me...not that I would be sitting still if someone was trying to photograph my behind I managed two pics that wasn't too bad;
  7. Thank you so much! I love taking photo's of my birds, so you will most definitely see my photo's in the competition soon.
  8. I have finally decided to formally Introduce myself... My name is Chantel and I live in South Africa. I am fairly new at keeping Zebra Finches and have been, well kind of addicted to expanding my knowledge about these little zebbies. I love all the different color mutation and possibilities. It is great reading all the conversations on this forum; to learn about everyone's experiences. I currently have 6 Zebra finches with my 2 newest additions: I think the first one is a silver, but I am not sure at all. The second one well, grey cheek, and then I noticed she has no tear marks, so the research continues!