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Ian B

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Everything posted by Ian B

  1. I would have posted 3, 6, and 7 in the photo comp if I coud just workout how ... too late next month perhaps
  2. The new arrivals move in
  3. The aviary build still goes on it must be finished this weekend as the new occupants arrive on Monday. I must admit, I thought there would be a Forum here, purely on aviaries, the build, different styles, tips, and hints, indoors, outdoors, big small, what not to do…etc. Regards Ian B
  4. Thanks Andyn, the aviary build goes on the good news is I have found a local breeder Slowly it all comes together
  5. Thanks Gary, still building my aviary, this could take a while, but I'm doing the best I can. I'm also looking around thought there would be a breeder local to me, there probably is but I just haven't found them yet. There are so many ways to sell these days, it was just news papers all those years ago...
  6. Thank you for the replies, I have spent the last few days on the build, still plenty of work to go before I'm in a position give these birds a home. I bought my mesh from Moncaster's yesterday some 35 years since my last purchase and still got a good deal So much to do yet busy few days to go.....
  7. Hi everyone, I am in the process of building an aviary for some Zebra's I have kept them before but that was probably 35 years ago! Since then I have served Queen and Country, it has taken a long time to find the right place. Yes I have been reading this forum fo some time. I have looked around and am interested to find a breeder in the Lincoln area. Regards Ian B