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Blog Comments posted by Emmy
He is still tame Andy, (Snowy isn't)
I can't remember the pair that laid that egg(Shadow
) I had thought in the future if I paired him up with a 'proper' BC female and all the chicks were BC then the pied would be coming from Snowy. BUT the two of them get along fine and I really would feel bad splitting them up
. They are excellent parents.
(Just noticed that Shadow has a white part on his wing so he must have the pied gene.)
On 5/13/2017 at 16:41, Zebraman said:I reckon the ??? add another 40 to 50 on top of the 30..... Plus the next batch of
One day I will count them, but I really have been selling some
I have 4 hens (Easy to count
), 3 Texan white quail, 6 CPQail, 2 peach faced lovebirds (sitting on 4 eggs
), 3 Amazon parrots, 2 Barraband Parrots; 4 owl finches, 4 Madagascar lovebirds., 2 grass finches (hecks), ? Gouldians, ? diamond doves; ? Fife canaries: ??Cockatiels; and ????different mutations of zebra finches.
So that makes my total 30 plus the ?? marks
now recording it this way --30 plus ? sounds OK to me
(almost forget to mention one pair of the canaries have 4 eggs in their nest
Gary I think this 'blog' post must have come up again because I was editing the post to change a word in the 'Blog' I had 'Piper and Darcy' recorded as red winged Amazons but they are Orange winged Amazons (lol)
They are the same ones I had last year. 4 eggs were laid last year but they didn't look fertile (didn't show up clearly on the ovascope) so I was advised to remove the eggs and hopefully the female would go down again but she didn't the only thing that did happen was they became very aggressive towards me. (Was told they must be thinking I was a nest robber
This year I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will nest again -so far its looking good - they are feeding each other and I was told that's a good sign. Glad I got the 'Buddy egg monitor' because it will be a double check to find out if any eggs laid are fertile.
(I'm thinking it's maybe time 'Bobby' updated his 'blog' -so watch this space)
(I've just got the 3 parrots (plus all the other types of birds as well lol) and they are all mine
Sorry about the mix up.
Penny why don't you try removing the tiny chick and give it a little hand rearing formula then return it to the nest immediately after you feed it
I know what you say about fostering eggs using Bengalese my pair that I foster eggs with must be wondering why they are producing all those different babies
Hope it all works out for you.
Thank You Clare for that good advice
- I can only but try
we might need a bigger one before we move in
I did warn you Penny re the finches multiplying
(re the quote above I'd change the words 'might need' to MUST GET I'm talking from experience here
This is what is likely to happen when you buy a pair of zebra finches.
Progress sheet: Things in order of buying:
1. cage
2. larger cage
3. more cages
4. bird shed
5. aviary/with inside flight
6. LOTS of feeders and drinkers and bird baths
7. More birds /need more space
8. 2nd Bird shed larger than the previous one
It NEVER stops!!
Bobby is none the wiser about Piper and Darcy. I'm making sure he can't see or hear them
( Hope he doesn't read this
For some reason it seems those two words "No More" have been deleted from my vocabulary
but unknown to 'Bobby' both the newcomers are taking food from my hand now.
Thanks Dave The biggest problem for me is still to come-- where do I put them now?? I'll need to try to cut back on handling them
(Pity you missed last Sunday's sale there were zebbies there.)
Thanks for the comment Andyn not likely to be a Damehood though-more likely to be a 'Dafthood' or 'Crazy Wifie Reward (lol)
Although it takes up a lot of my time I get a lot of satisfaction and pleasure when I see them coming on and think if I hadn't done that they would not be here now- and I believe no matter what it is bird or animal they should all have that chance to survive if it is possible.
Fascinating those marking and I think gouldians look a bit odd too when young with their blue spots around their beaks.
(Lol I just about missed the bird sale too. Good job my friend phoned to remind me because I was thinking the same as you! )
Clare you know what?? I like you
but I just hope my 'mum' doesn't read what you are encouraging me to do..
Don't know what I've done but my mum is sitting down after being on the computer and sounds like she's laughing but she's crying too??
Oh!! human beings are so complicated I'm glad I'm a parrot.
Thank you or saying Sorry but I haven't been given my treat yet.
Maybe its because I escaped from my cage tonight and flew into the living room when Rabelou was out having his tea. Well it wasn't my fault -- Mum had locked the front door of my cage but she had left the side door open and she never said I had to stay in my cage!!
3 hours ago, Clare L said:Cheeky Monkey
Monkey!!!???? Did 'Mum' say that to you?
Is she losing the plot?
I'm NOT a MONKEY I'm a beautiful PARROT!!
Guess I'll just have to try out the strength of my beak to prove I am a PARROT !!
I think in future I'll 'Squawk' instead of 'Talk' until I hear 'Sorry!.
A very upset Bobby
Thanks Andy and Andrew,
'mum' has been spending a lot of money on things for me recently and I got some nice new treats today - maybe I should be applying for my own credit card - BUT 'mum' would still have to pay the bills
You've got some really nice colours there Penny. Bet you will have a lot more by the end of the summer
Clare I used to be apprehensive re parrots especially after being bitten by one of the first cockatiels I had, but somehow I trust Bobby not to bite too hard
Thinking of this saying: "His bark is worse than his bite"
this definitely would apply to Bobby.
Hope all goes well with your move Penny. That was great you got the bird back.
I only know the 'phrase' in Scottish
and you wouldn't understand it.
I'll try to get a video clip . It only lasts a very short time but so, so funny.
updated 3rd February
One of those days Andyn - when I get time
At the moment I'm beginning to think my day is over before it begins
When/If it gets published I'll send you a free signed copy
What 'Bobby said'
is what actually happened. It wont happen again!! lol
Bobby the Parrot-- May 2018
in 'Bobby' the new addition to my 'Mini Zoo'
A blog by Emmy
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Fantastic Andy
Just what I needed right now|! I'm so sore laughing
just very grateful to find out I'm not the only one needing to get locked up
No doubt when Bobby spies this he'll be desperate to get to the computer again ( I don't know if Bobby is a girl or a boy but I guess it wont matter (lol)) but I hope Bertie's not going to teach Bobby any new bad habits Bobby has enough already.
Guess this could be the start of a 'Best Seller' --'book' containing advice for other parrots and about Bobby and Bertie's adventures

Knowing the pair of parrots that they are wouldn't be surprised if they'll be charging members a fee to read their posts
