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'Bobby' the new addition to my 'Mini Zoo'

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As the title says this blog is about the new addition to my 'mini zoo' ;)

Perhaps I should start off getting members to guess who/what Bobby is ? and that's what I'm going to do!:lol:

(After some good laughs, their comments/guesses were hilarious, It was Andyn who guessed correctly :good:)

Is it an animal?  Is it a bird?  or is it something else?:P 

One clue I'll give is I've always wanted this ? and I hope it will be happy living with me.

Now no cheating! some members will already know what this is -- so they can answer this post but are banned from telling what it is.:rolleyes:

Pictures etc will come later -- that's if I'm still here to post the results  after my family finds out what I've done (lol) .

Just curious - just how many members will be willing to have a guess!

(Read the comments at the end to discover the 'guesses' that members posted:lol:)


January 25th 2016

Hi everybody, this is Bobby typing. (My New Mum doesn't realise just how clever I am or she would have closed down the computer before going out to see to the other birds.)

Yesterday was priceless!  I did a 'Houdini' on her!   I had been given some treats to get me to go back into my cage-- I know what I'm doing here -the longer I take to go in the more treats I get - but I don't overdo it -I'm wise to that -if she thought about it-  my treats would perhaps disappear.

Well I did go back in and she locked all the doors of my cage then went to the other room.  I maybe young but I'm a quick learner and in a very short time I had undone the lock and opened the door of the cage and decided to have a look around  from the top of the cage.  I was really comfortable and forgot to be quiet and when I saw that 4 legged thing lying sleeping on the settee I thought I'd waken it and introduce myself so I shouted, 'HELLO!'

Well I had heard my previous owner TALK  about Superman and Flash Gordon but this was the first time I had actually MET the two of them combined. Odd thing was they  looked like my new Mum.  So I decided I'd join in the fun and try out MY flying skills. 

I had always thought Mum was slow at getting about in the house but I must have been wrong so I decided I'd stop flying and sit still and watch for a while.

Woosh!! doors were banged shut. How she managed to close all three doors in seconds was a miracle.

The 4 legged sleepy thing on the settee was Rabelou - a dog :rolleyes: he was grabbed and held tight. Next she 'flew' to the sink to empty soapy water she had been using to wash the dishes. I heard her giving a sigh of relief but she must have forgotten I was still not in my cage - just great!!  Rabelou wasn't happy because he got locked up in his cage. 

Now I was out from my cage I was just as well to make the most of it and do a bit of exploring, which I did.  My only problem is I just can't resist Rich Tea Biscuits and Mum had just taken one from the new packet and the only way I was going to get a bit was to make my way back into my cage- which I did.

Mum was now on the 'Go Slow!' but I had had a great time.


You'll never guess what she has gone and done now?!!

She's tied up my escape route with string and got clothes pegs on all other exits of my cage-  So I'm not sure when I'll get access to her computer again, but until the next time. Cheerio!   from Bobby



January 27th 2016

Bobby is still in the cage he came in but I'm going to move him sooner than I was advised into the bigger cage. 

Everything seemed to be going wrong this morning and even Rabelou, (dog)  didn't want to go out because it was heavy rain:huh: When I found a big 'puddle' on the floor below Bobby's cage that was the final straw and I got hold of the dog and said,  'rain or no rain out you go!! '  So I cleaned  up and then let the dog back in -- he was like a 'drookit rat' I was thinking deserves him right he should have barked to get out in the first place.

5 minutes later yet another puddle on the floor below Bobby's cage??:o This just couldn't be Rabelou again!! then I noticed the water was dripping from the table where Bobby's cage  was sitting.  When I looked at Bobby, his head was soaking wet -  he must have been trying to have a bath in his drinking water.  Not content with the mess he had already made he took the edge of the water dish and tipped the remainder of the water out. Guess he was trying to tell me something:rolleyes: 

So I got out the water spray and I just wished I had been able to video the next part, he sat on his perch and first lifted one wing to let me spray underneath it then the other one. When I was finished Bobby looked like Rabelou-- drookit! :lol:

Both of them look good now but Bobby will be getting moved very soon so he will have access to a bath in his cage and I wont have wet floors and  Rabelou will be relieved to know he wont be getting blamed for something he wouldn't and didn't do. I felt really bad at having put Rabelou out in the rain when I should have known he was Not Guilty! :(

I'm beginning to think that Bobby is beginning to act like a young  child with an attitude!   (lol) (Think I've just realised parrots are more  intelligent than I have ever given them credit for ! )


February 7th 2016

56b7bef070a6d_29thJanuary2016(2).thumb.J  Bobby actually came onto my arm to get his greens.  Must admit his feet felt cool but it's progress.  

 I'm sure he can read my mind. I was thinking what would be the next step to get Bobby to fly onto my arm instead of 'stepping up' ?  To get him to step up I just rested my arm along the top of the cage so he just had to lift his foot and he  was on my arm, he stayed on my arm until he got a taste of what was on the menu then literally grabbed it in his beak and flew to the top of the shower cubicle where I couldn't reach him. After a few times I thought I would make it a bit more difficult for him, so I moved my arm off the cage so he would have to jump to get onto my arm. Yes he did come to the edge of the top of the cage, actually stared at me,  then started to walk backwards and just sat there. He seemed to realise he was being tricked. (At least that's what I thought) So it's back to square one.

Today was hilarious, Bobby's cage is close to the cockatiels' cage, and some of my cockatiels can 'talk/sing'     Today it became very obvious that Bobby is listening to them because Dallas (one of the cockatiels that sing/talks) was on performing mode and one of the things he does is sings the first part then goes Putt! Putt! but what was happening today was a duet Dallas singing the first part and Bobby providing the ending Putt! Putt! and I missed getting it on video!

56b7c85eb4d89_28thJanuary2016...thumb.jp                                                                                                                                                                                                          (My 'mum' tried to trick me again today this time with a grape but I was too quick, she can't reach me here, so  now I can eat my treat in peace:good:)



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Sorry Guys  nowhere near. :D 

But there is a clue in some of the words you used Andyn. 

Oh! I would have loved it to be a horse but there is no way I'd get on its back - poor thing would have a sore back if I did that:lol: but the photo you attached was just right if it had been a horse it would have been in the house if it could have managed through the door (lol)

Gary I have always thought about having a goose as another type of  'guard dog' to give Rabelou (the Ninja) a rest but not yet!;)


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Wrong again Gary its not a pair of African Greys. (How I wish that had been correct!)

Dave  I do have an empty rabbit hutch and I'd have loved it to have been a rabbit but it's not. (Maybe in the future:rolleyes:)

Steve I already have a miniature goat but it's in France couldn't sneak it onto the aeroplane coming  home (lol)

56a4ae264ca46_mygoat.jpg.96846140713aa1fmy miniature goat!

p.s. I don't like goat's milk!!

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(LOL) No! No! No! Penny:rolleyes: that would be a wee bit too big for my garden - but maybe worth thinking about one? It could put its trunk down and lift me up and I wouldn't get any more lectures about why I shouldn't be using stepladders.:lol:

I've never said that 'African' was the clue:D


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Well Done Andy!! 

(That's for your imagination:yahoo:)


Was this the one you were thinking  about ?

Like you Andy -this one didn't get it right either :rolleyes: guess it should have picked a different number. (lol)

Now here is another clue:  What could it be that  I would give it the name -Bobby? and to  make it easier I'm giving you all the initials: (Bobby's name is not included)

B B F A P  the first B is a foreign country now that should make it easier.

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I'm finding it difficult to type my sides are sore with laughing:rofl:

I know there are lots of fields and farm animals where I live but I doubt if I'd like to come face to face with 'Belgian Blue' though to get him in that condition someone must love him (lol)

BUT one point to you 'Andrew' you did get ONE word correct -'blue':good:

Forgot to say that Gary got quite close to the last two words on one of his posts!


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I reckon you should make your zoo public,

Think of all that money you could earn ?

Big ad in c&a

David Attenborough does a programme at yours,

Then the icing on the cake a gong from Elizabeth in London. 

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(lol) Trevor I think If I got a 'gong' it would be from my family -- using it to give me a knock on my  head to put some sense  into my brain' Re Elizabeth ? Well no way would I go to Buckingham Palace- but if she wanted to call in on her way to Braemar I would let her see the my birds and maybe even give her a coffee. The 'Gong' Nah!! Just all the more things for my family to clear out later on :rolleyes::lol:   Add in C&A  that's No! No! too.  Public Zoo ??? so far all my visitors get in free and coffee/tea included. Wouldn't want to make it too public in case I got evicted:ph34r: 

:D Now David Attenborough Yes he could come (I like him;)) but not to make a programme! He could come and help me tidy up and help clean out the cages etc.

Gary That photo is sooo nice. think Rabelou would probably appreciate that but he already has a 'Mistress '  two in fact. One is my S-I-Ls King Charles- who gets locked in her cage whenever Rabelou enters my S-I-Ls  house.  The other 'mistress' he has is his BIG cushion. Guess it wont be long until there is a new breed of cushion puppies running around here .:rofl:

I sat last night and made out another list of clues but didn't get around to posting them  SO!!

Andyn Top  of the Class!!!    *****

The missing word is Bolivian.

After having  really good laugh at all the brilliant guesses (Thank You All for that:good:) Finally here is Bobby who already a few stories to tell. So keep checking! ;)



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Andyn So far the cockatiels are louder than Bobby- I think he'll 'talk' more than squawk'  (fingers crossed lol) mind you there are more of the cockatiels  (lol)

When I had Bobby out about lunch time he?she? did come onto my arm (1st time) so I'm pleased about that.  It's early days yet he needs to get used to his new surroundings  and I was advised to leave him in the cage he came in for about 2 weeks ( providing he gets out of the cage every day to have a fly about) One thing for sure Bobby likes its food.-  that's how I get him back into his cage (Simples;))


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