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Everything posted by Andrew123

  1. Hello and welcome to the forum. Good luck with your birds, it sounds like they were lucky you found them. Andy
  2. Poor Lee. I think this is bullying now. Good fun though.
  3. Same as mine. Nice black flanks too.
  4. I've got a lovely pair of bc lightbacks in the shed. I don't want them but I don't want Lee to have them, so I'll keep them.
  5. Is that how you're going to win the photo competition? Get all the other competitors banned? Have a bit of confidence in yourself Lee. Your pictures aren't that bad, you might even be in the top 10!
  6. I've got some nice BC's to go. Lee might be upset though, everyone will have bc's except him!
  7. Nettlestead on the 4th sunday of the month at 10.00am and Larkfield on the second sunday of the month at 6.30pm. I've usually got some zebs for sale if you're after any. I think I put you on to the nettlestead sale on facebook already.
  8. I'm a bit further south, about 12 miles south of maidstone.
  9. Hello from Kent too. Welcome to the forum. Andy
  10. Sounds good to me. It's nice to find someone so close.
  11. Wow, it sounds like you've got some lovely birds. We should definitely meet up sometime. I'd love to come down and have a nose at your birds.
  12. I might be able to do a bfbc grey I've got a nest full just fledged, I don't breed much fawn. I've got one lovely pair of fawns but that's all - and so far they won't lay. There are a few fawns in the sale cage at the moment a bb hen and a split bb cock and a nice big hen, possibly split for ob. I'm mainly interested in bc, bb and bf. I'm just near cranbrook, I am on the members map. Just keep going north from hastings.
  13. Clare, you're not from me, I've usually got birds to go. Let me know if there's anything in particular that you're after I might be able to help. What zebs do you keep?
  14. Andrew123

    Crested Penguins

    I'm not sure it's normal! The eggs in the picture have only just started being incubated but at least three are fertile. I haven't had much luck with the penguins so far but fingers crossed for this round.
  15. Andrew123

    Crested Penguins

    Must be something about penguins, one of mine has recently laid these. The two smaller eggs are pretty much "normal" size eggs. The other two are huge! She does normally lay the huge ones, the smaller eggs were more of a surprise. I had a hen who laid some tiny eggs. I never got a normal egg from her.
  16. Don't know about the last three letters but I'm pretty sure B B stands for belgian blue.
  17. This is my best guess. Although your family might notice this quite quickly.
  18. Andrew123


    BB's do have tail marks, drops rather than blocks, but I've found that some cfw's don't have particularly visible tails markings until after their first moult. Although this bird has a very light head colour for a cfw. The bird in the picture is the closest I've got to a white zeb. She is a black face CFW split for bb and bc and never developed tear marks. I'll breed from her soon to make up my mind whether she is split bb or full.
  19. Andrew123


    I don't think this chick is white. I'm pretty sure that white birds have horn coloured beaks, not black. If there are black feathers next to the beak then this is likely to be a black breasted chestnut flanked white.
  20. Andrew123

    Crested Penguins

    Yes, a 50/50 split (in theory). The crested white to bb should produce normals, half crested and all split for white and bb.
  21. Andrew123

    Crested Penguins

    Hi Emmy, Happy Christmas. Crested is a dominant mutation so if a bird carries the gene for crested it will show crested and can't be split. Good luck with your paper birds. Andy
  22. Very nice, Nick. I hope they do well for you. I'm sure they will.