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Clare L

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Everything posted by Clare L

  1. Hi Bicheno, Looks to be an Isabel cock & Fawn Hen. I could be wrong but to be a lightback should have a white belly and black and white striped tail. And as I'm finding out the fun is in the breeding not knowing what you'll get Clare
  2. Hi Bicheno, Welcome to the forum. Gophers???????????? That is unusual! Clare
  3. Hi Andy, Can only go by what I have but one of my CFW hens seems to have cheeck patches, its hard to describe but her head is darker never turned white totaly so gives the impression of white cheeck patches as that area is totally white, against the darker head colour. Not to good on this but hope it helps. Clare
  4. Fledged At last. The confusion is there from a cream hen & Fawn/OB cock. I'm starting to think they are carrying a lot of splits betweem them. They look the same ish but one is slightly lighter, the others in the nest are fawn and OB Normal. I Also think that the chick in the bottom pic is OB as well. Are they in fact Silver Isabel chicks? The Hen comes from a dominant silver line, and in her first clutch produced an Isabel chick the OB comes from both sides. Any advice would be great
  5. Hi Keiron, Have attached a pic of my silver from last year Hi keiron, this is a pic of my dominant siver male from last year he is approx 6-8 weeks old. He has white checks, I did find they took a long time to colour up. Will have a hunt through my pics so you can see what happened, as I have darker silvers too and a BC silver.
  6. Hi Tina, There is no gaurantee with this but is probably worth it. I have Bengies but so far have not used them to foster, but in the past in my outside aviary have seen them feeding begging chicks, of thier own accord. The chicks have then worked out that they will feed them and have chased the bengies around to be fed, and of course they always obliged They are also nice birds to watch flitting around and are very acrobatic. Clare
  7. Hi Eamonn, Welcome to the forum. Clare
  8. Hi Trevor, Looking åt the pics, I think it Could be a BCBF LB pied. I have a BC LB hen, so Going ön that comparison, and the dark feathers around the head and cheeks, Could well be. Will be interesting to see. Clare
  9. Hi Nick, Love the set up, and the fantastic CFW, you have Have only just started ön building a set up like that. Hope you have a good year with them. Clare
  10. Clare L

    Hi To All

    Hi Joe, Welcome to the forum. Clare
  11. Thanks Kerry, The other two fledged today, sadly I was not home to see it. Just been out to check all is OK and make sure they are tucked up safe for the night, and found one is hiding in a nest with another hen that is on her own clutch , due to hatch any day now. They look quite cute together, she is preening the chick, sign of a good mum to be?? The other is hiding in the hanging basket .
  12. Emmy, you would be right on the money with that assumption I do have a sneaky feeling that one of them could be a split BC so that should be that line now secure Those two lazy chicks are still in the nest, I was hoping that they might make an apperance today, they come to the edge of the nest stretch their wings and then go back in and hide Cann't say I blame them, it has rained down here all morning, only just started to dry up
  13. Hi Ian, Welcome to the forum. Thats a nice size aviary you're building, what colours do you intend to keep? All the best Clare
  14. Here's the pics of the BC Chicks Thats Mum in the middle These two seem to prefer it in the nest The one in the middle is the 5th one, 3 not BC but cann't have everything I'm really pleased with all of them
  15. Åt läst they have started to fledge. Will post pics soon.
  16. Hi Nick, Looks like you might have some more winners there. They are beautiful. Good luck with them. Clare
  17. Well I have since found out that there are not four chicks in there but five Its really hard to keep a distance from the nest at the moment I'm pretty excited Only a few more days to go, will post pics once they are all fledged. The strange thing is you wouldn't expect BC from the parents, they show no sign at all, not even larger tear marks Def keeping this pair
  18. Very happy today, went snooping round the aviary, and spotted in one of the nests not one but 2 BC chicks. Cann't really tell if the other two are BC yet, they kept hiding from me. I lost my only BC cock last year, so this is great to see Have had to rely on the splits, looks like they have done well Cann't wait till they fledge
  19. Here's the latest chick to fledge today. I think it is BB, but hoping is also split for OB, will have to wait and see. Hope it grows into that beak
  20. <p>Hi,<br /> Your Patience has paid off.<br /> Hope all goes well for you with them<img alt=":)" class="bbc_emoticon" height="20" src="http://zebrafinchforum.co.uk/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png" title=":)" width="20" /></p>
  21. Hi, They really are lovely hens. I have one cream hen but as I have found out she is split Isabel, so have not reproduced any more yet! Their 2nd clutch has just started to hatch so fingers crossed. Clare
  22. Clare L

    Hello All

    Hi Ryan, Nice Zebs, good luck with them. Welcome to the forum. Clare
  23. Hi Andy, I have two CFW which did not colour up to white, but are a good size for my stock and nice looking. Good Luck with yours Clare
  24. My patience will be very stretched this year as I will have to wait until next year to breed from this years chicks And then I can start to breed what hopefully I expect to get, but nothing seems to go to plan, so will be fun. I'm already confused this year not getting quite what I expected from some. Big learning curve for me this year