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Clare L

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Everything posted by Clare L

  1. It would still hurt, and I'm a propper woss. My mums African Grey used to trick me by sitting on my shoulder and pretending to be nice and then biting my ear. Would love my own parrot but do not have the time for one, so wouldn't be fair. Clare
  2. Hi Andrew, You, really are quite close, looking to move my zebs this year so any breeding will be minimal, yet again. I have a BFBC male x Normal/BC hen at the moment( not 100% on the hen being BC though), they have two eggs but not expecting these to be fertile, second round should be good. Some of the other pairings I have are OBBBBF Fawn Hen to BB Fawn Male, BFBBBC normal male x BC Fawn Hen CRBBBFBC male x Cream/BCBB Hen These are early pairings that have just been done as I am late this year I still have more to do, so come summer could have some nice chicks out, all being well, would be good to meet up at some point maybe? As you can see I am crossing some of my normals with fawn to get the splits for later breeding, as currently this is my only option. Clare
  3. Hi Andrew, I keep all sorts of colours, mainly aviary bred, my interest is in Fawns though, I have a very soft spot for them, but specifically a BFBC Fawn hen would be very nice, but at the moment I am trying to get some size into them, the ones I have are not small i.e pet shop size, but could do with being a bit bigger. Where are you as it would be nice to know someone else in this area, it seems very sparse for breeders in the South East. Thanks for the reply. Clare
  4. That's why I don't like birds with big bitey beaks
  5. Hi Emmy, Thats Great more please, highly amusing. Clare
  6. Hi Lee, BC is a recessive gene, so to guarantee this is continues you would need a full BC x a split BC, similar to BB or OB mutations. If both parents are splits it can go three ways, full, split or no mutation, but at least if one is full and one split you will get guaranteed splits or full for the mutation you are after. For what I am after I have used full to split that way I know when repairing I will be close to getting what I want, it does work but takes a long time and a lot of patience. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. If I do see anything that might interset you I will let you know. Clare
  7. Hi Lee, Notice you say you are using both parents as splits, although you could get full BC or split BC you could also get chick without any BC. The only way to guarantee at least all of them will be split is that one of the parents is a full BC. How far would you travel for these birds, I will keep a look out for you, but I am a long way from where you are. I will be going to a place soon where the last time I was there they had BCCFW, they were a good size to, not quite exhibition, but not shabby either, came home with some nice zebs. Good luck in your search, and breeding. Clare
  8. Hi Lee, Why not use splits, I know there not ideal, but any hens of the right colour can be paired off. I bought a LB Male and paired him to a LB Hen, and ended up with a complete surprise of 5 x CFW hens, 2 of which were full BC, the rest split BC, also a BCLB Male plus two split BCLB Males, they reared 8 chicks from one nest. They weren't exhibition but not pet shop either. Worth a try?? Good Luck Clare
  9. Thanks, understand now, I; assuming that's not a desired trait?
  10. Thanks Trevor, Now seems to be only three, but still well pleased, they are coming along nicely, and should be a nice size. Definitely got a split BB in there, from what I can make out, but will have to wait a little longer to find out for sure. Keeping a distance at the moment due to it being their first, and the hen is very skittish. Should start to fledge early next week fingers crossed, will post some pics when they do. Clare
  11. Happy Birthday Dave, Hope you've had a good day
  12. Hi Chris, Only expecting one nest out this side of Christmas, but looking forward to it, a first time pairing of BB Fawn & BC Fawn, after the splits. Will be making the other pairings over the next few weeks, when I finally make my mind up what to do
  13. Hi Nick, By carrying alot of white do you mean he is split for CFW? I still find his cheeks very interesting, as to why they have bled so much black into them, it would seem very unusual unless BC was involved. Admittedly I would put him down as BC split if he was one of mine. But still learning, with all these oddities that can happen. Clare
  14. Hi Chris, Still looking fantastic, looking forward to breeding my own next year. Clare
  15. Hi Steve, Welcome to the forum, hope you find some nice zebs to get you going. Clare
  16. Happy Birthday Trevor Hope you have great day?
  17. Well at last I finally have a clutch of fawns hatch this year. 4 eggs 4 chicks, first time for this pair though, so have fingers crossed all will be well. BC fawn Hen x BB Fawn Male, only a couple of days old though so a long wait yet. Should fledge for Xmas, will be a excellent present. Now need the other to follow suit
  18. Hi Nick, Very Nice, congratulations. Clare
  19. Hi Nick, Very nice hen, hope the cock has got over his trim, looking rather grumpy about it lol. Hope you get some good chicks from them. Clare
  20. Thanks Emmy Not thought about showing them, they would probably have a fight over who one the rosette They don't like each other much and squabble all the time over everything, I think they must be married. Will be separating them soon, so I can try and re-pair ready for breeding in the spring, should be fun I now have a yellow male as well, so one lucky lady will be ok, still need another yellow male though, for my other yellow hen, ( which was another birthday present that should of been a male) Like you need a bigger shed
  21. Hi Emmy, Sad to hear, I lost one of my silver hens to the bad weather a few days ago, really annoying. Project bigger shed a go for next year then?
  22. Hi Trevor, Sorry to hear that, hope the others do ok for you. Clare
  23. Thanks, really like them its great listening to the male singing. Andy, Have plenty of colour food for them? Use a lot of fruit and veg as well, which is a much better way of keeping their colour.?
  24. Happy Birthday Lee, hope you had a good day. Clare
  25. Well i had a nice surprise birthday present this year, something I have wanted for ages, a pair of Red Factor Canaries. Hope you like Haven't quite got the hand of my new camera yet, they are redder than these pics show